Advertising & Sponsorship


Sponsorship Opportunities

Showcase your company in front of the top influencers in the affinity market. For more information or to secure an opportunity contact Ramona Hopkins at (817-569-7462) or

2024 Level Sponsorships

Sponsorship Levels



(0 of 2 available)



(2 of 9 available)



(4 of 10 available)



(5 of 12 available)

Conference Experience Premier Platinum Gold Silver
Closing Keynote Speaker Introduction

Reserved table at Closing Celebrations

Summer Insights Registration

• (3)

• (2)

• (1)

Winter Insights Registration

• (3)

• (2)

• (1)

• (1)

Board & Sponsor Recognition Reception Invites

• (4)

• (3)

• (2)

• (1)

Event Recognition Premier Platinum Gold Silver
Logo on conference promotional materials

Reserved networking space at conferences

Profile conference video

Conference signage

Conference mainstage recognition

Logo on conference app

Logo on event presentations

Marketing & Advertising Premier Platinum Gold Silver
Banner Ad in All Member Community

Spotlight in one member eNewsletter

Spotlight on PIMA social channels

Ad/Advertorial in each Insights Magazine

(full page)

(1/2 page)

(1/4 page)

Logo on PIMA Website

Enhanced Online Community Directory Listing

Logo on member eNewsletter

Digital badge for company use on social media

2024 Event Sponsorships

Conference Registration Area

  • Welcome Table Recognition
  • Logo on lanyards
  • Branded item for all conference attendees (must provide item)
  • Online agenda, mainstage and conference app recognition
  • Board & Sponsor Reception Recognition invite (1)
  • Digital badge for company use on social media
  • Logo on member eNewsletter
  • One complimentary conference registration


(Winter, SOLD; Summer, SOLD)

Conference Welcome Reception

  • 5-minute mainstage company presentation (live or recorded)
  • Promotional handout for attendees (digital file required)
  • Branded message and link to all conference attendees
  • Online agenda, mainstage and conference app recognition
  • Board & Sponsor Reception Recognition invite (1)
  • Digital badge for company use on social media
  • Logo on member eNewsletter
  • One complimentary conference registration


(1 available at each conference)

Afternoon Conference Networking Host

  • 5-minute company presentation (live)
  • Branded item for all conference attendees (must provide item)
  • Branded message and link to all conference attendees
  • Online agenda, mainstage and conference app recognition
  • Board & Sponsor Reception Recognition invite (1)
  • Digital badge for company use on social media
  • Logo on member eNewsletter
  • One complimentary conference registration


(1 available at each conference)

Conference Closing Celebration

  • 5-minute mainstage company presentation (live or recorded)
  • Promotional handout for attendees (digital file required)
  • Branded message and link to all conference attendees
  • Online agenda, mainstage and conference app recognition
  • Board & Sponsor Reception Recognition invite (1)
  • Digital badge for company use on social media
  • Logo on member eNewsletter
  • One complimentary conference registration


(1 available at each conference)

Conference App & WiFi

  • Networking app featured sponsor
  • Branded message and link to all conference attendees
  • Online agenda, mainstage and conference app recognition
  • Board & Sponsor Reception Recognition invite (1)
  • Digital badge for company use on social media
  • Logo on member eNewsletter
  • One complimentary conference registration


(1 available at each conference)

(Winter, SOLD)

Marketing & Advertising

PIMA Cares Supporter

  • 20-second submitted video clip featured at conference and on social media
  • Online agenda, mainstage, and conference app recognition
  • Reserved seat (1) at Closing Awards & Recognition Reception
  • Company included in post-event press release and In the News
  • Company logo and quote included in recap article in Fall Insights Magazine


(2 of 6 available at Summer conference)

Reserved Networking Table

  • 2-minute conference mainstage presentation (live or recorded)
  • Branded message and link to all conference attendees 
  • Online agenda, mainstage and conference app recognition
  • Reserved Table (8-seats) at Tuesday's Networking Breakfast
  • Reserved Table (8-seats) at Tuesday's Networking Lunch


(2 available at each conference)

(Winter, 1 SOLD)
(Summer SOLD)

Industry & Member Newsletter Advertising

  • Quarterly industry eNewsletter, distributed to 1500+ industry leaders
  • Bi-monthly member eNewsletter, distributed to PIMA’s 500+ members
  • 600px (w) x 150 px (h) ad with embedded link


(4 available)

Keynote Speaker Conference Introduction

  • 5-minute podium presentation plus speaker introduction (live or recorded)
  • Online agenda, mainstage and conference app recognition


(Winter, SOLD)(Summer, SOLD)

Insights Magazine (Spring and Fall 2024)

  • Full-page ad


(2 available per issue)

2024 Sponsorship Opportunities
Contact Ramona Hopkins at 817-569-7462 or


2024 Advertising Opportunities

Contact Ramona Hopkins at 817-569-7462 or